Bant Sawk - Golden Boy Story

"Once upon a time, there lived a happy couple in the green shades of bamboo forest just outside the royal city of Amarapura. Their son, Ko Shwe was a unique creature, born with skin that shines like gold. One day the king of Amarapura, who was a keen hunter, went into the forest, mistook Ko Shwe as a magical golden deer and shot him with an arrow. Holding in his hands a selection of berries and a curious basket of fruit, Ko Shwe fell honourably as the precious golden boy missed by both his parents and the sprit of the forest."

Bant Sawk village is home to the Golden Boy of Myanmar coffee, scoring the highest SCA cupping grades for 2 years running, led by farmers collective: Indigo mountain. After careful roasting, the Sawbwa Bant Sawk coffee has a unique fruity flavour basket of dried fruit, mango, strawberry, red wine and a unique complexity - mysterious, rare and golden.

The Sawbwa Tastes & Tales collection was inspired by Saw Wai Lwin Moe's book of classic Myanmar Myths 
